Piramal Finance Personal Loan : You must have heard the name of Piramal Finance, personal loan can also be taken from it. If you are looking for a personal loan and want to take a Piramal Finance loan, then you must get the information and apply for the loan so that you can get the loan easily and you can use the loan as per your need. In Piramal Finance, you can apply for a loan online and can take a loan sitting at home.
Piramal Finance Personal Loan
Piramal Finance offers a maximum loan amount of up to Rs 50 lakh in personal loan. You have to write the loan amount you need while applying and if you are eligible, the loan amount as per your requirement will be provided to your bank account by Piramal Finance. If you are eligible for a loan of up to ₹ 2 lakh, then Piramal Finance will provide you a loan of only up to ₹ 2 lakh.
Loans can be taken from Piramal Finance for a period of up to 5 years and the annual interest rate charged on it starts from 12.99%. The interest rate is also changed from time to time, so when you apply for a loan, do check the information related to the interest rate once and also know at what interest rate you will get the loan in the end.
Eligibility for Piramal Finance Personal Loan
- Only Indian citizens can avail Piramal Finance Personal Loan.
- To take loan, age should be between 21 to 60 years.
- There must be a monthly income of ₹15000.
- Your credit score should also be high, this will increase the chances of you getting a loan quickly.
Documents required to avail Piramal Finance Personal Loan
- Aadhar card
- Age Certificate
- PAN card
- Address proof
- Bank account statement
- Mobile Number
- selfie, etc
How to Apply for Piramal Finance Personal Loan?
- To apply, first open the official website of Piramal Finance.
- You will see the option of personal loan on the main page of the official website, then click on it.
- Now after knowing the information, click on the apply online option.
- Fill in the information in the form and also complete the form by filling the document details.
- Enter the required KYC document details and upload them.
- Complete all the work related to the application on the official website and then finally submit the application form.
- Now wait for some time, the verification process will be completed further and then the loan will be provided.
Many people think of taking Piramal Finance Personal Loan but are unable to take it due to lack of information, but now that you have learned the information, you will definitely be able to take a loan from here. Still, if you face any problem in taking a loan, then please tell us by commenting so that we can help you and you can get the loan easily.