Money View App Loan : Apart from taking a loan from the bank, many people also take loans from mobile apps because loans are easily and instantly available through mobile apps and the entire process of taking a loan is also online. Due to which a person can complete the process of applying for a loan at any time while sitting at home. Money View App is also included in different apps. You can also take a loan from this app.
By taking a loan from this app, you can use the loan for any of your needs. Today in this article we will tell you complete information about taking a loan from this app, how a loan can be taken from this app and how much loan can be taken and other related information. So if you are looking for a loan then you must read this article completely.
What is Money View App loan
Money View is a loan financial app whose name is taken along with the big apps providing loans. With the help of this app, you can easily get a loan from ₹ 5000 to ₹ 500000. Whatever loan you take from this app, you will have to repay the entire loan amount through installments. The interest rate on whatever loan you take will be more than 1.33% per month.
If you take a huge loan, you will be given up to 5 years to repay it. This mobile app is available on Google Play Store, from there you can download it and apply for a loan in it. Apart from this, the official website of Money View is also available, so if you want, you can apply for a loan from the official website as well.
Benefits of taking loan from Money View App loan
- To avail a loan, you only need KYC documents and bank statements like income proof and on the basis of those, you will be provided the loan.
- The process of taking a loan is completely easy, you just have to enter the required information and upload the documents, as soon as you follow just a few steps, the loan amount will be provided to your bank account.
- Be it man or woman, everyone can take loan as per their requirement with the help of this.
Eligibility to take Money View App loan
- The loan applicant must be a permanent resident of India.
- The minimum age of the applicant should be between 21 years to 57 years.
- The applicant should not have been declared a loan defaulter by any bank or loan giving institution.
- CIBIL score must be good because if there is poor CIBIL score then the application form will be rejected.
How to apply for loan in Money View App loan?
- To apply for loan through this app, install Money View App from Google Play Store.
- After this, open it and complete the sign up process with the help of your mobile number.
- Now you will see the option for loan application on the home page, so click on it.
- Now you have to check your eligibility for the loan and then select the loan amount and time.
- Now when the application form opens, all the required information has to be entered in it.
- Now you have to complete the KYC by uploading the important documents. Apart from this, other documents also have to be uploaded.
- Now you have to submit the application form. Now you have to wait for some time and after getting the approval, the loan amount will be sent directly to your account.
The process of taking a loan from Money View App loan is very easy and you will definitely be able to follow it, and if you are found eligible, you will be provided a confirmed loan. Before taking a loan from this app, you must get detailed information about it and only then apply for the loan.